This Entrepreneur has started the business. Now what? Someone asks for identification of insurance. A Google search provides a list of some insurance providers will lead you to some options. Once you get the Insurance company on the phone they will ask for your Tax ID. If you are like my sister you have a look of shock on your face. Tax ID, who me? Every company, even yours needs to be registered with the government. They just love you that much they want to make sure they can help, I mean, take some money. Don't call a lawyer, unless you have a friend who likes to give out free advice. Again log on to your computer and do some digging.
For New York State a quick google search provided me with the state link New York Registration.
It does take some work to get through all of the information, but for $150, you can have a registered LLC! Now you just have to get that pesky Insurance company back on the phone and proudly announce your Tax ID number.
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