Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Finding Motivation

Motivation might be the only component to make a business successful. There are marketing plans, sales goals, and online tools. Driving all of those parts of your business is your motivation. An Entrepreneur always has work that can be done. That will either create motivation or extreme procrastination. I know I could spend all day cleaning to procrastinate what I really need to be getting done. I am working more and more from my home so I have had to create a space and time when I will actually be productive. I have tried to come up with a few helpful tools to help spur ideas and motivation.

1. Create a List - I make a list first thing in the morning of the crucial tasks that need to get completed that day.

2. Talk to Someone - Take a few minutes and compare notes. Talk to someone who is on top of their work and who can help you think about your business.

3. Read An Article - Read about an Entrepreneur who has found success and translate their story to your business.

4. Make An Important Phone Call Now - Don't wait until after your favorite show is on, or when your lunch is over. Make the phone call now. You can always follow up later.

5. Don't Bargain - I can lay in bed all morning telling myself just five more minutes or I will get up when it is fifteen after. I really need to just get up and get started.

6. Don't Guilt Trip - Spending time feeling guilty does not help you get motivated. It will just drive you deeper. Take a breathe and get moving.

Motivation is needed everyday to get through tasks and the more motivation and discipline you can have the more success and opportunity you will create for yourself.

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